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The chamber will take up on Monday a resolution signed by 14

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Original humans came from Africa. Were they white?? We all came from the same star dust before that. Racism went out long ago, except for most Clinton supporters. I 100% get it. But I do not think change comes from asking people to let you in. I think change comes by becoming owners of studios, owners of projects, owners of content. canada goose uk black friday Actually, Russia and Cuba are/were communist countries. For «socialism,» go to [...]


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Some forms may be inherited synaesthesias can run in families, and in 2009 researchers fingered four regions on the genome that seemed be altered in people for whom sound triggers a sensation of colour. Neuroscientist David Eagleman, who co wrote Wednesday is Indigo Blue with Cytowic, has identified a chromosomal region that’s linked to synaesthesia where a letter, number, day, or month provokes a colour. And when synaesthetes have their brains scanned while they read, speak, or do whatever [...]


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Mastthew Most wrote, «The footage, it turns out, is from an interview Obama did with ABC’s «Nightline», and as the Illinois senator heads into the final weeks of campaigning before the Iowa caucuses, the last role he wants to play is as the front man for the Citizens United film. Why would this be «the last role» he wants to play? Is he ashamed of what he said earlier? Is he afraid that his words may offend Hillary? You [...]